The agrep command is a Linux utility that is used to search for patterns in text files. It is similar to the grep command, but it has some additional features that make it more powerful and flexible.
- Using agrep
- agrep Examples
- Search for Word
- Search With Regular Expression
- Search for Word "Love"
- Search for a Line That Contains Either Word
- Search for a Line That Contains Either Word Followed by a Space and a Number
- Search For Lines That Contain a Word (printing only the first two matches in each file)
- Search For Lines That Contain a Word (printing only the lines where the word is found at the beginning of the line)
- Search For Lines That Contain a Word (printing only the lines where the word is found at the end of the line)
- Search for Word "Love" and Print Match in Reverse Order
Using agrep
To use the agrep command, you need to specify the pattern that you want to search for and the files or directories that you want to search.
The basic syntax for the agrep command is as follows:
agrep [options] pattern [files]
The pattern argument is the text or regular expression that you want to search for, and the file argument is the file or directory that you want to search. You can also specify multiple files or directories to search by separating them with a space.
The agrep command has several options that you can use to customize the search and the output. Some of the most commonly used options are:
- -i: Ignore the case when searching.
- -w: Match the whole word instead of just a part of a word.
- -n: Print the line number where each match is found.
- -l: Print the names of the files that contain matches, but not the lines where the matches are found.
For example, to search for the word "hello" in the /etc directory, you could use the following agrep command:
agrep -iw hello /etc
This will search for the word "hello" in all the files in the /etc directory, ignoring the case and matching the whole word. The output will show the lines where the word was found, along with the name of the file and the line number where the match was found.
To search for a regular expression instead of a specific word, you can enclose the pattern in single quotes and use the -E option to enable extended regular expressions.
To search for lines that contain a number followed by a space and the word "hello", you could use the following agrep command:
agrep -E '\d+ hello' /etc
This will search for the regular expression \d+ hello in the /etc directory.
- The \d character class matches any digit, and the + character specifies that the preceding character should be matched one or more times.
- The -E option enables extended regular expressions, which allows us to use the + character without escaping it.
agrep Examples
Below are some examples of using the agrep command:
Search for Word
Search for the word "hello" in the /etc directory, ignoring case:
agrep -iw hello /etc
Search With Regular Expression
Search for the regular expression \d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4} (a US phone number) in the /var/log directory:
agrep -E '\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}' /var/log
Search for Word "Love"
Search for the word "love" in all files in the current directory, printing only the names of the files that contain matches:
agrep -lw error *
Search for a Line That Contains Either Word
Search for lines that contain the word "hello" or "world" in the /etc directory, ignoring case:
agrep -iw 'hello|world' /etc
Search for a Line That Contains Either Word Followed by a Space and a Number
Search for lines that contain the word "hello" or "world" followed by a space and a number in the /var/log directory, ignoring case:
agrep -iw 'hello|world \d+' /var/log
Search For Lines That Contain a Word (printing only the first two matches in each file)
Search for lines that contain the word "hello" in the /etc directory, printing only the first two matches in each file:
agrep -m 2 hello /etc
Search For Lines That Contain a Word (printing only the lines where the word is found at the beginning of the line)
Search for lines that contain the word "hello" in the /etc directory, printing only the lines where the word is found at the beginning of the line:
agrep -E '^hello' /etc
Search For Lines That Contain a Word (printing only the lines where the word is found at the end of the line)
Search for lines that contain the word "hello" in the /etc directory, printing only the lines where the word is found at the end of the line:
agrep -E 'hello$' /etc
Search for Word "Love" and Print Match in Reverse Order
Search for lines that contain the word "love" in the /etc directory, printing the matches in reverse order:
agrep -r love /etc