Mutt is a powerful text-based mail client for Unix/Linux operating systems. It features color support, message threading, MIME support...
A variable is a value that can change depending on conditions or data passed to the program. To work with the variable in bash, here are what you need to know:
A variable name cannot start with a nu
Piping is the process where the result of one command is sent or pipe (redirect) into another command. A good example of this is piping the output of ls command into wc (count) for counting the numbe
Chances are you've come across expansions in BASH, whenever you are going back to the user home directory, we use the cd command alongside a tilde character (~), e.g:
cd ~
This would take you back to
In week 6, I said I'll lay more focus on bash scripting, so far, I haven't done much, still playing around with the basic, Here are the guides I wrote last week:
Properly Naming a Bash Scripts
We previously looked at using echo with options in a shell, in this guide we would combine it with read command to prompt for user input.
Create and open up a new text file: nano $HOME/bin/
In shell scripting, a comment is a readable explanation in a script that is ignored by the interpreter, you can either add a comment about what the script does or you can write a comment about what a
The echo command is one of the most used shell built-in command, and as you have probably guessed, it is used to print a line of text to standard output (the screen). It sends a copy of an input sign
Last week, I wrote a basic intro on bash shell scripting in this guide, we would take a look at how to name a script properly.
Let's get this straight, we mostly do name things abruptly in the real
I previously wrote a guide on how to mount and unmount rclone in Linux, in this guide, I’ll walk you through on how to do the same on a windows system.
Step 1: Download Rclone
First, go to rclone d