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In this guide, you would learn how to configure or a limit what a sudo user group can do, the problem with the default sudo group is that any member of the...

What is The /etc/skel directory In Linux

Thu, 30 JanBy DevsrealmGuy
The /etc/skel directory is useful in cases you would like to distribute default configuration files. For example, if you have recommended settings for text...
In this guide, you will learn how to set up, install and configure ClassicPress or Wordpress on an unmanaged web server using Upcloud VPS (Virtual Private..
In this guide, we would look at the proper way of managing passwords and implementing your own password policies in linux...
In this guide, I would explain the nitty-gritty of the, etc/passwd and the, etc/shadow file in Linux. these two files stores user info such as password, name and ...

An Easy Guide To Managing Users In [Ubuntu 18.04]

Wed, 15 JanBy DevsrealmGuy
In this guide, you will learn the role of "root user", adding and creating users, user profile security, switching users, managing groups, and more ...
In this guide, we would virtualize Ubuntu server on Windows 7, 8 and 10, with the help of Virtualbox, this way we would be able to run Ubuntu OS on our local
This is an initial configuration for your ubuntu image, that not only help in tightening your server security but also help in increasing the reliability of the server.
DigitalOcean is a cloud hosting provider that offers, among others, a droplet which is their name for Virtual Private Servers. It acts like a dedicated server in that, you own your virtual server, yo
In this guide, you would learn how to set up, install and configure Wordpress or Classicpress on an unmanaged web server at Digital Ocean VPS running on...