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In this guide, I would walk you through the steps of setting up an email server that can be used as a send-only mail server, we would not be dealing with receiving mails, we only care about sending em

Getting Started With JavaScript (Introduction)

Sun, 18 DecBy DevsrealmGuy
This is my first JavaScript guide on this blog, and in this guide, we would go over the introduction of JavaScript, but first… What is JavaScript? JavaScript is a client-side scripting language su

Operator in Javascript

Sun, 18 DecBy DevsrealmGuy
Operators in javascript can either be used for logical expression where you connect two or more expressions and can be a comparison expression where you compare two values. You can also use an operat

Exploring Data Types, and Variables in JavaScript

Sun, 18 DecBy DevsrealmGuy
In JavaScript or any programming language, a data type is an attribute of data that tells the interpreter how the programs intend to use the given data. JavaScript support a couple of data type whic

Laravel - Basic Routing & Controllers

Sun, 18 DecBy DevsrealmGuy
If you haven't read my guide on Creating a Tiny PHP MVC Framework From Scratch then you should do that immediately, the concept of the guide applies to the way things work in Laravel behind the scen
In this guide, we would create a loader, and remove it after a specific time using CSS and JavaScript. The icon would be in SVG format, and the rotation would be done in CSS, while the removal after
In this guide, you'll learn and understand how to create and use Objects in JavaScript (ES5). While ES6 already supports creating classes (which is the way you create objects in Java, PHP, etc), they
We previously take a deep dive into the Windows Object, Properties, Methods, and even the Document Object itself, in this guide, we would explore working with the local and session storage in JavaScr

Guide To Functions In JavaScript

Sun, 18 DecBy DevsrealmGuy
Functions in JavaScript or any programming languages are modular building blocks for creating powerful and modular scripts, using function makes it easy to isolate a code since it would be packaged u

Laravel Blade Templating Engine

Sun, 18 DecBy DevsrealmGuy
In our last guide, we discussed the basics of Laravel routing and controllers, in this guide, you'll learn how to customize your Laravel views with the Blade templating engine. So far, here is my vie