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  • Simple Conditional Execution With (Command Lists)

    Simple Conditional Execution With (Command Lists)

    We've previously explored a little of a command list in our Getting Started with Bash Guide, where we check if a directory already existed in our user home directory, if it already exists, output “

  • Check If Variable Is Not Empty [isset] (Bash)

    Check If Variable Is Not Empty [isset] (Bash)

    In the getting started with bash guide, we took a sneak peek in customizing script with argument, the issue with the example is that we aren't checking if the variable is set or not before returning

  • Creating Conditional Statements Using if And Else (Bash)

    Creating Conditional Statements Using if And Else (Bash)

    We have recently explored command-line list, we also dived into the test shell builtin command, which can not only be used to check file types but can also be used to compare values. The issue with u

  • Week 9 Update

    Nothing much to say, I'll just keep grinding. Well, I wrote a couple of guides that I couldn't publish, so, I'll probably save that for other weeks, here are week 9 guides: Sourcing With Bash Local

  • Week 10 Update

    I wrote a couple of script that couldn't make it into this week, so, I'll postpone that for the coming weeks, here are week 10 guides: Simple Conditional Execution With (Command Lists) Check If Vari

  • Local Variable, Typset and The Declare Command In Bash

    Local Variable, Typset and The Declare Command In Bash

    Local variables are private inside of a function and the most important thing about a local variable is that when it is changed in a function, it doesn't affect the variable outside of a function. If

  • Sourcing With Bash

    Sourcing With Bash

    Generally, to run a bash program or script you need to add a permission bit, which makes the program or script executable and you then run it whenever you like, the thing is when execution starts, a

  • read prompts in bash script

    read prompts in bash script

    We've previously taken a quick look at the builtin read command, where we use the built-in read to populate the $REPLY variable, which holds the value of read when a variable is not supplied to read

  • Limiting The Number of Entered Characters In read prompt

    Limiting The Number of Entered Characters In read prompt

    We previously looked at the way we could utilize the read prompts in bash, here is the script we wrote in out last guide: #!/bin/bash read -p "What is Your Name? " name echo "Your Name is $name" exit

  • Week 8 Update

    I don't know why it took me a bit to write my week 8 update, but that could be the heavy flow of content I am pouring out on my other blog. Anyways, week 8 has been cool but nothing big actually. The

  • Send Mail with Attachment Using Mutt in GNU/Linux

    Send Mail with Attachment Using Mutt in GNU/Linux

    Mutt is a powerful text-based mail client for Unix/Linux operating systems. It features color support, message threading, MIME support...

  • Using Pageant To Automatically Authenticate SSH key in Putty

    Using Pageant To Automatically Authenticate SSH key in Putty

    I can't count how many times I have typed my ssh key passphrase whenever my ssh connection times out, it is so annoying and repetitive. Well, thanks to the putty pageant, you can do that seamlessly.

  • Create Multiple Files at Once Using Brace Expansion in BASH

    Create Multiple Files at Once Using Brace Expansion in BASH

    Chances are you've come across expansions in BASH, whenever you are going back to the user home directory, we use the cd command alongside a tilde character (~), e.g: cd ~ This would take you back to

  • Using read in a Bash Script

    Using read in a Bash Script

    We previously looked at using echo with options in a shell, in this guide we would combine it with read command to prompt for user input. Create and open up a new text file: nano $HOME/bin/hw3.sh Ad

  • Adding Comment To a Script

    Adding Comment To a Script

    In shell scripting, a comment is a readable explanation in a script that is ignored by the interpreter, you can either add a comment about what the script does or you can write a comment about what a

  • Pipes and Redirection in Bash

    Pipes and Redirection in Bash

    Piping is the process where the result of one command is sent or pipe (redirect) into another command. A good example of this is piping the output of ls command into wc (count) for counting the numbe

  • Working With Variables In Bash

    Working With Variables In Bash

    A variable is a value that can change depending on conditions or data passed to the program. To work with the variable in bash, here are what you need to know: A variable name cannot start with a nu

  • Week 7 Update

    In week 6, I said I'll lay more focus on bash scripting, so far, I haven't done much, still playing around with the basic, Here are the guides I wrote last week: Properly Naming a Bash Scripts Using

  • How To Find Out Who Is Logged In On a GNU/Linux Server

    How To Find Out Who Is Logged In On a GNU/Linux Server

    Sometimes you just want to find out the bugged logged into your system ;), It might be your co-worker or friends. To find out who is logged in including the time they logged in, you can use the whoc

  • Properly Naming a Bash Scripts

    Properly Naming a Bash Scripts

    Last week, I wrote a basic intro on bash shell scripting in this guide, we would take a look at how to name a script properly. Let's get this straight, we mostly do name things abruptly in the real