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In the previous guide, we went over the ES5 way of creating objects in JavaScript, In this guide, we would go over using classes to instantiate an object, which is super simple compared to the previo

[OOP] Music List Application With JavaScript

Sun, 18 DecBy DevsrealmGuy
I recently cover creating objects in JavaScript, and as you might have been aware, there are two ways to do this, the prototypal-based approach in ES5, and the newly introduced class-based approach i

Conditional Statements and Loops In JavaScript

Sun, 18 DecBy DevsrealmGuy
Conditional statements in JavaScript alter the program flow, and by using a conditional flow, you can make your program make choices about what should happen based on certain conditions. JavaScript c
In this guide, you'll learn how to edit and delete post data in Laravel, before proceeding you should read the previous guides as this guide would be the continuation, here are the previous guides:

Guide To Laravel - Model and Database Migrations

Sun, 18 DecBy DevsrealmGuy
I don't know if you have read my guide on Creating a Tiny PHP MVC Framework From Scratch where we create a tiny MVC framework in the hope of understanding the concepts of how major frameworks imple

To-Do List Application With JavaScript

Sun, 18 DecBy DevsrealmGuy
In this guide, we would go over creating a to-do list app in JavaScript, where you can Add a to-do list, You can delete an individual item,, You can search or filter an item, You can clear all the items, prevents clearing multiple items by mistake, e
The JavaScript window is the global object which is used to control the browser window lifecycle and perform various operations on it. The global variable window usually represents the current brow

ES6 Promises in JavaScript

Sun, 18 DecBy DevsrealmGuy
We discussed about callback functions in our previous guide: AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) and Using The XMLHttpRequest API. In this guide, we would look at promises in JavaScript, which is
In this guide, you'll learn about AJAX, and more specifically how to implement an AJAX technique using XMLHttpRequest. AJAX a.k.a Asynchronous JavaScript and XML is not necessarily a technology or a tool, it is merely a technique that describes the p

Using The Fetch API

Sun, 18 DecBy DevsrealmGuy
The Fetch API is the modern version of the XMLHttpRequest that is used to fetch resources or to make A(Asynchronous)JAX call. The concept of the Fetch API is not too different from XHR, except that i