In our previous guide, we've seen conditional statements in PHP that lets us alter the program flow base on conditional choices, in this guide, we would look into the different types of loops in PHP
Conditional statements alter the program flow, and by using a conditional flow, you can make your program make choices about what should happen based on certain conditions. We can achieve this by usi
This is my first PHP guide on this blog, and in this guide, we would go over the introduction of PHP, but first...
What is PHP?
PHP which is a recursive acronym of Hypertext Preprocessor is a dynam
In PHP or any programming language, a data type is an attribute of data that tells the interpreter how the programs intend to use the given data. PHP supports a couple of data types of which are inte
If you are developing a Java program that needs to handle large amounts of data and perform difficult calculations with it or you need to manipulate matrices without having to code these functions in
When developing for iOS, there are several ways to deal with multithreading. You can create your own threads and do whatever you please, but there are various alternatives that will make your life mu
Second part of the Custom Camera App series.
Custom Camera App – Part 1: Custom Overlay
Custom Camera App – Part 2: Taking Pictures
Custom Camera App – Part 3: Assets Library
In the first par
First part of the Custom Camera App series.
Custom Camera App – Part 1: Custom Overlay
Custom Camera App – Part 2: Taking Pictures
Custom Camera App – Part 3: Assets Library
In this series, I
Third part of the Custom Camera App series.
Custom Camera App – Part 1: Custom Overlay
Custom Camera App – Part 2: Taking Pictures
Custom Camera App – Part 3: Assets Library
Welcome to the la
Due to the fact that the iPhone and iTouch are all about playing music, one would think that playing audio in iOS would be an easy task. Well, I hate to break it to you, but playing sound effects in