Links is a text-mode World Wide Web (WWW) browses that can be used to view a web page either via a local (file://) or remote ((http:// or ftp://) URLs.
To get started with Links, install it using the
Rclone is an open-source command-line program to sync files and directories to and from different cloud storage providers. It preserves timestamps, and if you are transferring from local to cloud, it
Last week, which was week 4 was interesting, I learnt some cool tricks, and this would make me super productive when using the shell. Here are the articles:
Monitoring Multiple Log Files In RealTime
In this guide, you'll learn how to manage MariaDB databases in your terminal, from connecting to the database server using the mariadb command, creating a database, removing (drop) database, and mana
As time goes on, you'll need to be super productive with the way you use commands in GNU/Linux, and one example is utilizing alias.
Using alias allows you to create an additional equivalent name for
Oh my... I really find scanning through the logs file time consuming, and painful.
Luckily for me, I founded Multitail, which is an awesome, and powerful tool for not only browsing through several f
It's kind of frustrating when you are searching for a particular file, and you have no idea of how to find it, In this guide, I'll walk you through on two different ways you can find a file in your G
Week 3 was a bit rough, I was working on too many stuff at a time, but nevertheless I completed the goal. Week 3 was more of using cool utilities in Linux, plus other stuff, here are the link to the
There are several ways to view disk usage in your Linux system, and that is what we would be going over in this guide...
Out of the box, Linux provides us the df command, which is the standard Unix c
Understanding the filesystem is important if you want to know how data is stored and retrieved, but really, the term might be somewhat confusing in Linux, as it means two different things.
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