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Week 12 Update

Sun, 06 SepBy DevsrealmGuy
I am super happy with my progression on bash scripting, and I promised on Week 11 that I have more bash scripting loading, and here it is. I created a script optimizes images in bulk, It was intende

Using Case Statements in Bash

Sun, 06 SepBy DevsrealmGuy
We previously looked at looping in bash, and creating conditional statements using if and else but there are cases where using case statements makes the logic simpler, and clearer. This is the basic

Creating Multiple Menus in Bash Scripts

Sun, 06 SepBy DevsrealmGuy
I have been writing a couple of scripts now for different use cases, wouldn't it be handy to build a menu which will provide a list of command select to choose from? e.g It can contain all sorts of s
Out of frustration of the way different plugin optimizes images (which is super limited, and not effective; it has never been for me)in the WordPress world, I decided to create a script that does it

Week 11 Update

Sun, 30 AugBy DevsrealmGuy
In week 10, I said, I wrote a couple of scripts which I'll postpone for week 11, and yeah, I did just that, I was working on a project with a colleague where we need to replace about a thousand of st

Iterating With Loops (Bash)

Sun, 30 AugBy DevsrealmGuy
Imagine having to edit 10,000 lines of text within a CSV file, this would be a shit load of work if done manually, which is where looping comes in. When a task or a series of tasks needs to be repeat
There are a couple of ways you can replace a string in a file, and an example is using the mv command, but what if you want to replace multiple strings at once, then you might consider creating a loo

Week 10 Update

Sun, 23 AugBy DevsrealmGuy
I wrote a couple of script that couldn't make it into this week, so, I'll postpone that for the coming weeks, here are week 10 guides: Simple Conditional Execution With (Command Lists) Check If Vari
We have recently explored command-line list, we also dived into the test shell builtin command, which can not only be used to check file types but can also be used to compare values. The issue with u

Test Shell Builtin Command

Thu, 20 AugBy DevsrealmGuy
The test command can be a shell builtin or file executable (if you specify the full path to the file) that is used for file comparison, it returns a status of 0 (true) or 1 (false) depending on the