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Week 15 (Final Update)

Wed, 30 SepBy DevsrealmGuy
It is crazy how far I have come, it looks like yesterday to me :) I finally mastered the essentials of bash scripting. In week 6 I said I was tired of doing repetitive tasks manually, and I decided t

Week 14 Update

Sun, 20 SepBy DevsrealmGuy
Week 14 was more about filters in bash scripting, a filter can take either standard input (your keyboard) or the contents of one or more files, the input just gat to come from somewhere, be it a key
Sometimes we need to think like the command line shell in order to understand how things are done in the background, this would make debugging a breeze. In this guide, you would learn all the variou

Text Processing (Filters) In Bash Scripting

Sun, 20 SepBy DevsrealmGuy
Ever wondered if you could quickly do some text processing in a bash script, for example, you can analyze a text or sort the output of a text, and provide it in a more meaningful way. The good thing

Sort in Bash Scripting

Sun, 20 SepBy DevsrealmGuy
We recently just looked at grep in bash scripting, and another commonly used program in bash scripting is the program called sort. Sort is a simple filter that is used to sort lines of text from its

sed (Stream Editor) In Bash Scripting

Sun, 20 SepBy DevsrealmGuy
Another powerful filter in GNU/Linux is sed (stream editor), which is a program for performing basic editing tasks on the output of another program or on a file. sed or stream editor can be used to p

grep (Regular Expression) In Bash Scripting

Sun, 20 SepBy DevsrealmGuy
We recently discussed filters in bash scripting, in this guide we would look more into the practical usage of using a filter program, and an example of such a program is grep. grep, in its simplest f

Week 13 Update

Mon, 14 SepBy DevsrealmGuy
Yh, I am into functions in bash, but I still have more to learn about functions, so, for now, this is what I have: Functions in Bash Returning Values From Functions in (Bash)

Functions in Bash

Sat, 12 SepBy DevsrealmGuy
Functions are modular building blocks for creating powerful and modular scripts, using function makes it easy to isolate a code since it would be in a single building block, which would be isolated f

Returning Values From Functions in (Bash)

Sat, 12 SepBy DevsrealmGuy
In the guide function in bash, we dive deep in bash functions and we also pass some information into the functions to carry out a certain operation. In this guide, I'll show you how to get informatio