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Joining and Subquerying Data (MariaDB)

Sun, 08 NovBy DevsrealmGuy
In this guide, we would look at various ways you can join and subquery data in mariadb. If you are new to mariadb, you can read the following guide to follow the progression right from the start. In

Guide To Updating and Deleting Data In MariaDB

Sun, 08 NovBy DevsrealmGuy
In this guide, we would look at various ways you can update and delete data in mariadb. If you are new to mariadb, you can read the following guide to follow the progression right from the start. In

Guide To Selecting Data In MariaDB

Sun, 08 NovBy DevsrealmGuy
In this guide, we would look at various ways you can select data in mariadb. If you are new to mariadb, you can read the following guide, doing this would help you understand the select statement eve

Guide To Understanding INSERT Statement (MariaDB)

Sun, 08 NovBy DevsrealmGuy
So far, we've covered a couple of topics on mariadb, if you want to follow the progress, here are the guides: Introduction To MariaDB [MariaDB] Guide To Creating Databases and Tables Altering MariaD

Indexes In MariaDB

Sun, 08 NovBy DevsrealmGuy
IF you are new to mariadb or mysql, you might want to take a sneak peek at the Introduction To MariaDB, I covered a couple of interesting concept in that post. Also, I wrote a guide on: Creating Dat

Altering MariaDB Tables

Sun, 08 NovBy DevsrealmGuy
In our last guide, we dive deep into creating databases and tables. In this guide, we would discuss altering and manipulating the data, well, you can get the full structure of your table in a go, so

[MariaDB] Guide To Creating Databases and Tables

Sun, 08 NovBy DevsrealmGuy
IF you are new to mariadb or mysql, you might want to take a sneak peek at the Introduction To MariaDB, I covered a couple of interesting concept in that post. In this guide, you'll learn how to cre

Introduction To MariaDB

Sun, 08 NovBy DevsrealmGuy
A database is a structured collection of records or data stored in a computer server and organized in such a way that it can be quickly searched and information can be rapidly retrieved with very min

awk In Bash Scripting

Mon, 19 OctBy DevsrealmGuy
Up until now, we have covered a couple of text processing, from sed to grep to sort, and now we have the big daddy, which is awk. awk (which stands for Aho, Weinberger, and Kernighan - its creators)
If you are tired of using control panels (I am because they are mostly not secure, and most comes loaded with bundles of useless stacks), and want to do everything on the server level, I wrote a menu